Sweet Sweat Premium Waist Trimmer, 1-size-fits-all. Includes Free Sample of Sweet Sweat Workout Enhancer!
I've had belts of this type before--I use them to help keep my lower back and abs warm to help prevent injury--but this one is REALLY nice! When they named it "Premium," they weren't exaggerating! This is the Cadillac of waist sweat belts. It's thicker than other brands I've had, it has a larger size range, and the velcro closure doesn't overlap the edges and scratch your skin. It DEFINITELY makes you sweat. Add some Sweet Sweat Workout Enhancer (a free sample comes with the belt, but I got the 6.4 oz "roll-on" jar anyway), and you'll have nice warm muscles covered in tons of gooey sweat when you take this thing off after your workout. This is quality all the way. Highest recommendation.