Natrol White Kidney Bean Carb Intercept, 120 Capsules

Sabtu, 25 Oktober 2014

Natrol White Kidney Bean Carb Intercept, 120 Capsules




I am a healthy non-diabetic female whose weight has been increasing with age, to a BMI starting to cross the threshold into obesity - ok, it did to 31, using the NIH calculator: [...]

I was about to start a more sedentary position with my employer & I hate to exercise. (Results at end of this)

I eat a vegetarian diet & take a healthy daily dose of B-12 (833%) to curb my carb cravings. (Vita Plus Women's Ultra Multiple, enhanced phytonutrients plus extra D costs $14.69 at a local grocery store for 60 days.) I eat a healthy, high fiber diet & love desert & cheese.

I read that white kidney bean extract alone could result in a 10 pound weight loss. In the same newsletter, the author discussed green coffee bean extract & raspberry ketone extract. These products work through different actions. White kidney bean reduces carbohydrate absorption, green coffee bean extract increases fat burning, raspberry ketones are supposed to help with breaking down & burning fats "in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise".

Here are Dr. Oz's criteria for green coffee bean extracts:

It must contain GCA® or Svetol® and be on the label.

It must have no fillers, binders or any other extra ingredients.

It must be 100% pure and in a vegetarian capsule.

And he recommends taking 1600mg a day (800mg capsules, 2 times a day)

Raspberry ketones are recommended to take at 500 mg/serving dose, USA made & 100% pure (no fillers), but mention exercise... Which I hate.

So, it seemed to make sense to take white kidney bean and green coffee bean extracts together. The raspberry ketones require exercise & that's probably the real reason for the weight loss, plus, they work by a very similar action to the green coffee bean extract, so it wouldn't make sense to take them both.

Doses: 2 Natrol carb Intercept with Phase 2 twice a day with my highest carb meals or snacks AND 2 green coffee bean extract pills twice a day with my biggest meals (I get mine at Costco.) I am terrible about timimg pills ahead of my meals, so the green coffee bean wasn't taken 30 to 60 minutes ahead of meals, as most labels recommend.

Results: Lost 15 pounds in 30 days, while doing a more sedentary job. No noticeable increase in gas. Weight stayed off & stable (Yea - I am only overweight now, no longer obese!). After 45 days with nearly no Natrol carb Intercept (not available locally anymore) and only 4-7 green coffee bean tabs/week, started dosing again. Already lost 2 more pounds in 3 days.

Works for me, I recommend this combination.